måndag 25 augusti 2008

Keeping promises

Well, I did. I did write today again. Hah! :-)

All work and no play makes jack a dull boy,
All play and no work makes jack a mere toy.

Working again, working on a report of some kind, how to do an embedded linux project properly. It's hard to define. I know how I would love to have it, but defining it in words is not. I know it should not be hard, but it is. A paper that is very good imho, Tips for planning an embedded Linux project. It gets all the errors down that we made, but it doesnt really define what makes a embedded Linux project great, or even good for that matter.

I also read anatomy of a hack earlier, it's some interesting stuff, but I'm not sure this is what I would give out to people who really needs it. I've tried handing that short thing to a few relatives, we'll see if anyone of them gets it.

Also, this is the real kicker today, I love Ted Dziubas writing, it's the best tech stuff I've read in quite a while :-). For an example, read his Cloud computing: A catchphrase in puberty.

I'm turning into a real blogger, ain't I? :-P